Parent FAQs
My family is new to the county. What documentation do I need before I register my child(ren) in Prince George County schools?
Please be prepared to provide the following documentation:
- Certified state issued birth certificate
- Comprehensive physical examination (K-5 only)
- Immunization record
- Proof of residency
- Previous school records
- Court issued custody papers (if applicable)
Please take an opportunity to review the 2016-2017 Registration Guide if you would like any more specific information on registering your child in a secondary school.
How can I keep up with my child's grades?
All parents have the ability to view their child's current academic progress by using Synergy ParentVUE / StudentVUE. If you already have a ParentVUE / StudentVUE account, you may access your account by logging in here. If you do not have an account, or you are not sure how to use ParentVUE / StudentVUE, please contact your child's school. You may also use ParentVUE / StudentVUE to email your child's teacher, check attendance records, and other important functions.
Is there an easy way to manage my child's lunch account?
Yes! Parents may easily load money onto their child's lunch account by using My School Bucks, along with other simple ways to pre-load money onto the lunch account. Please refer to county's Food & Nutrition Services Pre-Payment Options webpage for more information. A link to this page can be found in the Parents menu in the navigation row at the top of the page.